King Richard III Biography - King From England

King Richard III Biography
biographyany - Richard III (born October 2, 1452 - died August 22, 1485 at the age of 32 years) was the King of England who ruled for two years, from 1483 until his death in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. His defeat at the Battle of Bosworth is a certainty of war Wars of the Roses and is sometimes regarded as the end of the Middle Ages in England.

Biography Of King Richard III

Richard was the youngest son of Richard, Duke of York. She has three older brothers, namely Edward, Edmund and George. My father and brother are both, Edmund, was killed in battle during the Wars of the Roses. Elder brother, Edward, was a very good soldier and won the British throne in battle against the ruling monarch, King Henry VI. Edward later became King Edward IV of England and his two brothers, George and Richard, being a very strong person.

Richard married Anne Neville, who was a family friend of his father. Richard and Anne had known each other since they were children, but Anne had been taken to France, where she married the Prince of Wales, son of Henry VI of England. When the Prince of Wales was killed in battle, and soon became a widow Anne married to Richard, although it has become her enemy. Richard and Anne lived at Middleham Castle in northern England. They have one son named Edward. Richard often quarreled with his brother, George, who married Isabel, sister of Anne. George is a trouble maker and he made his brother, King Edward, very angry and put him in prison, where he died.

King Edward is married to a woman named Elizabeth Woodville, who had a large family. With his family soon became very rich and powerful take on all positions in the country. Edward and Elizabeth had several children, including two sons named Edward and Richard.

When King Edward died, his eldest son, Edward V was supposed to be the next king, but he was still too small. Richard has been asked by the king to oversee the two children. Richard was afraid that the new young king will not be able to govern the country properly. He also worried that the family would soon tell the king Woodville what to do and govern their own country.

Richard took the throne from his nephew, and Edward and his brother was sent to the Tower of London. Chances are they were both killed. At the time, many people believed that King Richard had told them to be killed, but no one is really sure what happened to them.

There has been much discussion over the years, whether Richard III was a good king or a bad king. During his reign lasted only two years, he was very popular in the country, particularly in the north of England (where he was born). However, there are enough people who hate him to ensure that his enemies were able to develop a large army and defeat him in battle.
King Richard III


Richard was killed at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. He was the last English king to die in battle. Henry Tudor in his place as king.

Rise and Fall of King Richard III

When King Edward IV died in 1483, his oldest son took power as Edward V—the new king was only 12 years old at the time. As his uncle, Richard III wrestled control from his nephew in May 1483. He had himself appointed the king's lord protector, which allowed him to run the government.

Richard also set into motion other plans to ensure that he could usurp the crown. Both Edward V and his younger brother Richard were taken into Richard III's custody. The two boys were imprisoned in the Tower of London where they spent the remainder of their days.
Lord Hastings, a trusted adviser to King Edward IV, was executed on charges of treason. On July 6, 1483, Richard III officially became the country's new king.

Despite his hard-fought efforts, Richard III only enjoyed a brief stint as monarch. He did make some attempts to ease tensions with the Lancastrians,
allowing the relocation of Henry VI's remains to St. George's Chapel. He also sought to improve relations with Scotland by agreeing to a ceasefire. Despite his efforts, however, Richard III still found himself fighting hard against his adversaries to hold on to the crown. On August 22, 1485, he lost his life in the Battle of Bosworth; he was defeated by Henry Tudor, who would later become King Henry VII.

Over the years, Richard III has been portrayed as a brutal, cold-hearted villain. William Shakespeare wrote an entire play about this allegedly hunch-backed monarch: King Richard III. Since then, many famous actors have played him on stage and in films, including Laurence Olivier and Al Pacino.

Recent News

In September 2012, a team of archaeologists from Leicester University uncovered a body believed by some to be the remains of Richard III. The skeleton was uncovered at the former site of the Grey Friars church in Leicester, where Richard III was reportedly buried. The church had been destroyed in the 1530s, and the site had been a car parking lot in recent times.
King Richard III

The recovered skeleton showed two remarkable similarities to Richard III. The deceased had died of a head injury received in battle and had "spinal abnormalities," according to a Reuters report. DNA samples were taken from the remains to be compared against a known descendant of Richard III's sister. In February 2013, the DNA results were revealed and verified the archaeological team's suspicions: The remains did, in fact, belong to Richard III.

Shortly after the news broke, plans began for the body of the last Plantagent king to be re-interred. Some expect that he will be lay to rest at Leicester Cathedral, not far from the archaeologist site and where Richard III met his grisly end.


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