Two faces of present JNU


                   On February 9 , a group of JNU protestors assembled and said some disturbingly scary things.

Umar Khalid
Member of  Democratic Students Union
Key Organiser of Afzal Guru event in JNU
                    Now I didn't want to jump the gun, so I waited for 10 days , gathering a fair amount of Information from both the sides.


                    Recently the student leader of JNU came out and clarified in a speech that one particular quote was not uttered by JNU students, so I am going to take that one off.
                            Now let's analyse logically what these students said :
                Calling  Afzal Guru a martyr, a man who was charged with abetting the attack on parliament on 2001 that killed 9 people .
                 So why would these JNU students call him a martyr ? Two Possibilities :

          1) They accept that he was a terrorist and are against the death penalty, but instead of condemning the death penalty in their slogans they chose to call him a martyr , which basically implies they support terrorism . So logically I don't think this is the reason.

            2) The second possibility is that they believe he had no connections with the crime, was completely innocent and wrongfully convicted, which would make him a victim, still not a martyr.

             Now this is what surprised me, in none of the interview's those student leaders had the balls to say that they believe he was innocent , but when they were conveniently hiding in a pack of 20-30 people, they confidently labelled him a martyr.
            So when asked individually on interviews, the reply they give are far fetched theories about the whole judicial system being flawed and corrupt . Apparently they know some things none of us do.
V Lenin Kumar , President of  Jawahar Lal Nehru University Students Union (JNUSU) 

               If you break it down here is what they believe :

            the trial was unfair  because there wasn't enough evidence to prove Afzal was linked with the terrorist attack, which eventually led to his execution .
            So what you are basically saying is, you don't know if he was really guilty or innocent . Now let me explain to you the difference between moron and a sensible person. A sensible person would argue by saying," Because I don't know, I would like to for sure," by debates , discussion , questioning , and opening a line of fair investigation and answers from our government. I wish you had done that.
            How you argued  was , Because I don't know if he was guilty or innocent , his execution was unfair , which means the government framed him and is evil, therefore he is a martyr. what you don't understand is the moment you open an argument with, I don't know, you invite two possibilities .
             There is 50% chance that you are right, which means the supreme court is corrupt , the entire trial was cover up, the ruling party is evil. And there is 50% chances that you are wrong. and that is precisely why you are a moron, because the person you called a martyr has a 50% chance of being a terrorist and a murderer.
              You understand the logic unlike everybody, I am not even saying you are wrong, I am actually accepting your argument  and then explaining to you how moronic it is.
               Now you can present another argument, that you called him a martyr only because you are 100% sure the trial was cover up and Afzal Guru was innocent, And that would reveal you are even a bigger moron..... because it only exposes your childlike arrogance in the face of the massive evidence against your claims.

               Another slogan was, India go Back, now this one I completely failed to understand. India go back .......    to where?
                 where is it that you want India to go and what is it you want to bring back? India has always been here, you idiots.
               Another slogan was calling for the destruction of India. India ki Barbadi and finishing Afzal Guru's work.
                A Country is its people . Without the people, India is nothing but land and water on planet Earth. so when you say you are going to destroy India, what you are saying is you'll destroy people. Now what does destroy mean?
                 Ending something with violent connotation. you are directly talking about murder. I don't think you realized this but this is the very definition of a terrorist . A terrorist doesn't mean an arab commando , it means any person who terrorizes and threatens to destroy the peace.
                 when you say , you are going to destroy people, you are simultaneously implying you are potential security threat to the nation. And this is another reason why you are morons, because only a crowd full of half minded persons would shout that out....  without realizing they are advertising declaration of war against their own country.
                Imagine if a couple of politicians in Pakistan said the same statement , they will not stop until destruction of India is complete. How would you interpret their intentions ? Freedom of Speech, or the declaration of war?
                To those who are defending these students saying its freedom of speech, to understand the concept of freedom of speech, you must first learn to differentiate between criticism and threat . To criticize is freedom of speech, to threaten is breaking the law.

                Take this very phrase," destruction of India", and replace India with your name. now Imagine a group of 20 people somewhere shouting out that they will destroy you.
                you wouldn't just sit calmly in your house and say, they are only exercising their freedom of speech , no you'd pee your pants and call the police ASAP.

Arunadhiti Roy , Fictional writer
                Another thing that I noticed in two Interviews of this student leader was, he defended his instance by bringing up Arundhati Roy . Let me educate you on something, my friend, creativity does not ensure sound judgement. No where will you find a creative person being defined as a national expert on moral, social or political commentary.  She is famous as a fictional writer ...fiction means not real for fictional writer basically means a documentater of imagination. Saying Arunadhiti Roy was an expert on the 2001 parliament attack is like inviting coldplay to be a part of the committee on a Nuclear deal. That's the logic you are going with.

                Now all of this basically comes back to the argument of India being intolerant . And regarding that , I have only one thing to say you are lucky.
                 You are lucky that you are born in India , because if you were born anywhere left or right geographically , you would have found out the real meaning of intolerant nation.

Jackson county detention center for suspect of
National Security threat in USA.
                 China is the communist nation with the highest number of executions in the world .
                 I don't even have to tell the price of freedom of speech in Pakistan.
                 Even in United States of America, if you used slogans such as destruction of USA while supporting a terrorist, you wouldn't know the first thing that will hit you. you'd scooped up by the FBI, which will then map your genome to get details on your entire ancestry; ... you'd be labelled a potential threat to the nation , and will be put under some sort surveillance program without your knowledge for years until they have confirmed you are just a moron. So count your blessings that you are born in India.

             Now in my opinion , this is not a debate nationalism .
              you think it is because you assumed that these students knew what they were talking about .
              Tell me before calling them anti-nationals did you entertain the simple possibility that maybe they are just stupid. And this is why they will never admit that they are anti-nationals because deep inside they believe they are doing highly patriotic thing .
              Basically its a debate between stupidity and sensibility .
Foreign Students in Jawahar Lal University Campus , New Delhi , India

              These students picked an issue but didn't have the maturity nor the sensible inclination to approach it objectively . And this approach also helps me understand the people who supports these students, because I, like them, understand their sentiment , but whether I respect their sentiment depends entirely on the language of their message , which was seriously Fucked up. Comically speaking , these are kids who thinks the world owes them a big deal, so screw any constitutional procedure, they will just force it out the government by putting in a headlock .

JNU Campus
             So lastly, my advice to all the impressionable young minds would be because somebody can shout on a microphone , use rage, get your all riled up doesn't always mean they are right. Use your common sense and logic.
             Chances are, in order to aggressively motivate you, they will target three basic emotions :
              Hatred  , Discomfort and Fear.

              And if necessary precautions aren't taken , it could result in one of the greatest disasters in human history.

           So all young people of India, if you have to follow someone, then why not follow the with a better message of humanity , and not the opposite.

                          But these days its going to be trend saying that students from JNU are Anti- Nationals But this is not the reality JNU is the one of the Prestigious University in the world and Alumni of JNU are doing great work in all kind of sectors in India and Abroad.

                        I am only saying that they have chose wrong example and they have used wrong slogans which must not be tolerated,  Aggressiveness is Important but checkout what exactly you are talking about. and I have only shown Moronic Faces of JNU leaders

Kanhaiya Kumar ,
 Leader of All India Student Union Federation (AISF)
Shehla Rashid , Vice President JNU Students Union

 For Other Side of JNU Leaders Check out Hindustan Times Article about Shehla Rashid
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