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    Adolf Hitler Biography
    Biographyany - Adolf Hitler (German: [adɔlf hɪtlɐ] 20 April 1889-30 April 1945) was a German politician and head of the Nazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), the National Socialist German Workers Party) born in Austria. He served as Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and dictator of Nazi Germany (the title Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945. Hitler became the main character of Nazi Germany, World War II in Europe, and the Holocaust.

    Hitler was a veteran of World War I with a lot of titles. He joined the German Workers' Party (NSDAP predecessor) in 1919, and became chairman of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923, he staged a coup in the event known as the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. The failed coup led to the arrest of Hitler. In prison, Hitler wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf (My Struggle). After his release in 1924, Hitler had the support of the people by criticizing the Treaty of Versailles and uphold Pan-Jermanisme, antisemitism and anti-communism with charismatic speeches and Nazi propaganda. Once appointed as chancellor in 1933, he changed the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, a one-party dictatorship based on the totalitarian ideologies of Nazism and autocratic.

    Hitler's goal was to establish a New Order of absolute Nazi German hegemony in continental Europe. Until then, foreign policy and the country aims to achieve Lebensraum ("living space") for the Germanic. He ordered the German armed back and Wehrmacht invaded Poland in September 1939, led to the outbreak of World War II in Europe. Under the rule of Hitler, German troops in 1941 and its European allies occupied most of Europe and North Africa. In 1943, Germany was forced to defend himself and suffered a series of defeats in battle. In the final days of the war, during the Battle of Berlin took place in 1945, Hitler married his old lover, Eva Braun. On 30 April 1945, less than two days later, the two committed suicide to avoid arrest Red Army, and their corpses were burned.

    Hitler's policies were motivated by racial supremacists and resulted in the deaths of around 50 million people during World War II, including 6 million Jews and 5 million ethnic "non-Aryans" were systematic destruction ordered by Hitler and his closest associates.

    Childhood and Education
    Adolf Hitler Baby

    Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 at the Gasthof zum Pommer, an inn in the Salzburger Vorstadt 15, Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary. He was the fourth of six children of Alois Hitler and Klara pair Polzl (1860-1907). Brother and sister Hitler - Gustav, Ida, and Otto - died in infancy. When Hitler was three years old, the family moved to Passau, Germany. There he learned the dialect Bayern Downstream, instead of German Austria, which is the typical life style of speech. In 1894, the family moved again to Leonding (near Linz), and in June 1895, Alois settled on a small plot of land in Hafeld, near Lambach, where he was farming and beekeeping. Adolf attend school in the neighboring town, Fischlham. Hitler started like studying war after finding a picture book about the Franco-Prussian War his father.

    Hafeld their migration to the start of a father-son conflict was intense due to Adolf refuses to comply with strict regulations in school. Alois Hitler's farming efforts at Hafeld failed and in 1897 they moved to Lambach. Hitler was 8 years old singing lessons, singing with the church choir, and even semapt consider myself to be a pastor. In 1898, the family moved permanently to Leonding. Death of his brother, Edmund, due to smallpox on February 2, 1900 greatly affected the lives of Hitler. He went from a confident figure, outgoing, and smart, a kid moody, withdrawn, sullen and often quarreled with his father and his teacher.

    Alois had a successful career in the customs bureau and wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. Hitler later dramatized an event when Hitler's father took him to the customs office, calling the events that arouse antagonism mercilessly between father and son, who both are equally eager. Ignoring his son's wishes to classical high school and become an artist, Alois sent Adolf to the Realschule in Linz in September 1900. (This is the same high school who later entered Adolf Eichmann 17 years later.) Hitler rejected this decision, and in Mein Kampf, Hitler said that he did poorly in school, hoping that once his father saw "what little progress I made in school technique, he would let me pursue my dreams. "

    Hitler was obsessed with German nationalism since I was young. He showed his loyalty to Germany, hated Habsburg monarchy an increasingly chaotic and administration in the occupied various ethnic empire. Hitler and his friends used the word German greeting "Heil", and sang the German anthem "Deutschland Über Alles" instead of the Austrian Imperial anthem.

    After the sudden death of Alois on January 3, 1903, Hitler's achievement in school deteriorated. His mother allowed Hitler quit school in the fall of 1905. He attended the Realschule in Steyr in September 1904; behavior and improved performance. In the fall of 1905, after passing supplementary exams and final exams, Hitler left school without any desire to continue their education or build a career.

    Adolescence in Vienna and Munich

    Since 1905, Hitler bohemian life in Vienna financed by orphan support and help from his mother. He worked as an ordinary laborer, and a painter who sells watercolor paintings. Academy of Fine Arts Vienna twice rejected Hitler, namely in 1907 and 1908, due to "unsuitable paint". Director of the academy suggested that Hitler studied architecture, but he did not meet academic requirements. On December 21, 1907, his mother died at the age of 47. Having rejected the Academy for the second time, Hitler ran out of money. In 1909, he was living in a homeless shelter, and in 1910, he settled in a house in Meldemannstraße working poor. When Hitler tinggla there, Vienna is a place full of religious prejudice and racism. Concerns that Vienna will be met immigrants from Eastern widespread, and the populist mayor, Karl Lueger, exploiting antisemitic rhetoric for political gain. Antisemitism pan-Germanic Georg Schönerer strong support Mariahilf district, where Hitler lived. Hitler read the local newspapers, such as the Deutsches Volksblatt, burn that fuel prejudice and fear Christians who fear driven by the influx of Jewish immigrants from the east. Rejecting what he called "Jermanofobia" Catholic, he began to like Martin Luther.

    The origin and when Hitler showed antisemitismenya difficult to trace. Hitler said in Mein Kampf that turned into an anti-Semitic Vienna. Her best friend, August Kubizek, claimed that Hitler was an "anti-Semitic official" before leaving Linz. Testimony Kubizek challenged by historian Brigitte Hamann, who wrote that Kubizek was the only person who says that the young Hitler was an anti-Semitic. Hamann also wrote that there is no anti-Semitic statements coming out of the mouth of Hitler at that time. Historian Ian Kershaw argued that if Hitler never said that, his word is not known as anti-Semitism in Vienna was unusual at the time. A number of sources provide strong evidence that Hitler had Jewish friends in the inn and other places in Vienna. Historian Richard J. Evans states that "historians now agree that a well-known anti-Semitismenya emerged after the defeat of Germany [World War I], as a side effect of the answer paranoid 'betrayal' of the event."

    Hitler inherited the last part of the estate of his father in May 1913 and moved to Munich. Historians believe he came from Vienna to avoid conscription into the Austrian army. Hitler later claimed that he did not want to serve in the Habsburg Empire as mixing "races" within the army. After he was declared fit for duty-failed physical tests in Salzburg on February 5, 1914-he returned to Munich.

    World War 1
    Adolf Hitler World War 1

    When World War I broke out, Hitler is a resident of the city of Munich and voluntarily serving in the Army as an Austrian citizen Bayern. Placed on Reserve Infantry Regiment Bayern 16 (Regiment Group-1), Hitler's role as messengers at the Western Front in France and Belgium, to spend almost half of their time behind the front line. He was involved in the First Battle of Ypres, the Battle of the Somme, the Battle of Arras, and the Battle of Passchendaele, and was wounded at the Somme.

    Hitler with fellow soldiers from the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment (c. 1914-1918)
    He was awarded the Iron Cross, Second Class, in 1914 for his bravery. Since suggested Hugo Gutmann, Hitler received the Iron Cross, First Class, on August 4, 1918, a rare accolade pinned on the rank of someone like Hitler (Gefreiter). Work regimental headquarters Hitler, the full interacting with senior officers, it might help him get this award. Although the action is considered daring, but still can not be called very commendable. Hitler also received the Wound Badge Black on May 18, 1918.

    During duty at headquarters, Hitler developed his artistic talent by drawing cartoons and instructions for an army newspaper. At the Battle of the Somme in October 1916, he was wounded in the thigh or calf left by a grenade that exploded in the trenches messengers. Hitler spent almost two months in the Red Cross hospital in Beelitz, then returned to his regiment on 5 March 1917. On October 15, 1918, Hitler was temporarily blinded due to mustard gas attack and had lodged in hospital Pasewalk. There, Hitler knew the defeat of Germany, and after getting the news, he admitted blind again.

    Adolf Hitler was a soldier in the First World War (1914-1918)
    Hitler became irritated by the German war effort failed and therefore also the development of ideology slowly formed. He called World War I as "the greatest experience of a lifetime" and he was praised by his commanding officer for his bravery. This experience reinforces patriotism against Germany and he was surprised by the German surrender in November 1918. Like many other German nationalists, he believed the Dolchstoßlegende (legend of betrayal), which claims that the German army "undefeated in the field" had been "stabbed in the back" on the domestic front by civilian leaders and Marxists, later dubbed " November criminals ".

    The Treaty of Versailles stressed that Germany must return the number of occupied territory and mendemiliterisasi Rhineland. This agreement and the economic sanctions imposed heavy reparations on Germany. Many Germans view these agreements-particularly Article 231 which calls Germany are responsible for all the war-as an attempt to embarrass Germany. Treaty of Versailles and the economic, social, and political development in postwar Germany later exploited by Hitler for political interests

    World War 2

    The first diplomatic success
    Alliance with Japan
    Adolf Hitler
    In February 1938, on the advice of the new Foreign Minister is appointed, Joachim von Ribbentrop was pro-Japanese, Hitler put an end to Chinese-German alliance with the Republic of China in order to form an alliance with Japan's more modern and powerful. Hitler announced his government recognize Manchukuo, the Japanese base in Manchuria, and interesting German claims to their former colonies in the Pacific held Japan. Hitler declared the end of the delivery of weapons to China and return all German officers working in the Chinese Army. In retaliation, Chinese General Chiang Kai-shek canceled all Sino-German economic agreements, so that the raw materials China no longer go to Germany.

    Austria and Czechoslovakia
    On 12 March 1938, Hitler declared unification of Austria with Nazi Germany in the Anschluss program. Hitler then turned his attention to the ethnic German population in the district of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.
    28-29 March 1938, Hitler held a series of secret meetings in Berlin with Konrad Henlein of Heimfront (Front of Home Affairs) Sudeten, the party of ethnic Germans in the Sudetenland. They agreed that Henlein asking for greater autonomy for the Sudeten German population to the government of Czechoslovakia, thus giving legitimacy for military action, Germany to Czechoslovakia. In April 1938, Henlein told the foreign minister Hungary that "whatever the Czech government offered, he would always ask for higher ... he wanted to sabotage an understanding with any sense because this is the only way to break up Czechoslovakia quickly". In private, Hitler considered Sudeten issue unimportant; desire is actually waging a war of conquest against Czechoslovakia.

    In April, Hitler asked OKW prepare for Fall Grün ("Case Green"), code invasion of Czechoslovakia. Due to diplomatic pressure barrage of France and Britain, on September 5, Czechoslovakian President Edvard Benes launched the "Fourth Plan" for constitutional reorganization of his country to approve most requests for autonomy Sudeten.Heimfront Henlein Henlein Benes responded to the offer with a series of riots against police Czechoslovakia and led to the imposition of martial law in a number of Sudeten districts.

    Germany relies on imported oil; confrontation with Britain over the disputed Czechoslovakia Germany will reduce the supply of oil. Hitler cancel Fall Grün, originally planned was held on October 1, 1938. On 29 September, Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Edouard Daladier and Benito Mussolini held a one-day conference in Munich and the Munich Agreement which contains the producing districts surrender the Sudetenland to Germany.

    Jewish shops destroyed in Magdeburg post-Kristallnacht (November 1938)
    Chamberlain satisfied with the Munich conference and called it "Peace to the present", while Hitler was angered by losing the opportunity to fight in 1938, and he expressed his dissatisfaction in a speech on 9 October in Saarbrücken. In view of Hitler, who helped Britain's peace, despite satisfy German demands, was a diplomatic defeat that thwart his desire to limit the power of Britain to pave the way to the eastern expansion of Germany. Because the meeting was also elected Hitler as Man of the Year Time magazine in 1938.

    In late 1938 and early 1939, the continuing economic crisis caused by Hitler's rearmament forcing massive budget cuts. In his "Export or die" on January 30, 1939, he requested the attack in order to enhance economic German foreign exchange holdings to purchase raw materials such as high-quality steel for military weapons.
    On March 15, 1939, violated the Munich Agreement and may be a result of the economic crisis emphasized the need for an additional assets, Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht invaded Prague and proclaimed Bohemia and Moravia a German protectorate from Prague Castle.

    The outbreak of World War II
    Adolf Hitler World War 2

    In private discussions in 1939, Hitler declared Britain as the main enemy to defeat and destruction of Poland is a necessary prerequisite for achieving these goals. The east side will be secured and the land included in the German Lebensraum. Offended by the "guarantee" of Polish independence by Britain on March 31, 1939, Hitler said, "I have to make the demon drink for them." In a speech in Wilhelmshaven at the launch event battleship Tirpitz on 1 April, he threatened to cancel the Agreement of England-Germany if Britain continues to guarantee the independence of Poland, which he saw as a policy of "encirclement". Poland will be a German satellite state or neutralized to secure the Reich's eastern side and prevent possible British blockade. Hitler initially chose the idea of ​​a satellite state, but because the Polish government refused, he decided to invade Poland and make it the main goal of its foreign policy in 1939. On 3 April, Hitler ordered the military preparing for Fall Weiss ("Case White"), which is planned invasion of Poland on August 25. In a speech in the Reichstag on 28 April, Hitler cancel the Sea Treaty English-German Non-Aggression Pact and the German-Polish. In August, Hitler told his generals that was originally planned for 1939, is "... to form a good relationship with Poland in order to fight the West." Some historians such as William Carr, Gerhard Weinberg and Ian Kershaw believes that the reason Hitler was waging war haste was that he was afraid he died first.

    42 penny stamps Hitler in 1944. The term Grossdeutsches Reich (German Reich Kingdom) was first used in 1943 to refer to the expansion of German territory under his control.
    Hitler concerned military offensive into Poland would create an early war against Britain. However, Hitler's foreign minister-and former Ambassador to London-Joachim von Ribbentrop ensure that neither Britain nor France would honor their commitments to Poland. Because secured such that, on 22 August 1939 Hitler ordered a military mobilization to Poland.
    This plan requires the help of a secret Soviet non-aggression pact (the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) between Germany and the Soviet Union, led by Joseph Stalin, included secret agreement cleavage Poland for both countries. In response to the newly formed pact is different from the prediction-and Ribbentrop that this action will aggravate the Anglo-Polish ties-Britain and Poland English-Polish alliance on 25 August 1939. This maneuver, along with news from Italy that Mussolini would not honor the Pact of Steel, forcing Hitler to postpone invasion of Poland from 25 August to 1 September. Hitler failed to turn Britain into a neutral position by offering a non-aggression guarantee to the British Empire on August 25, and he then instructed Ribbentrop to reveal peace plan last minute with a very short time frame in order to blame the war that will take place in Britain and the unprepared Poland.
    Although nervous about the intervention of Britain, Hitler's invasion of Poland to continue the plan. On 1 September 1939, Germany invaded western Poland on the grounds its claim against the Free City of Danzig and the right to extraterritorial roads across the Polish Corridor was rejected, which was handed over Germany as the Treaty of Versailles. Respond to this action, the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany on September 3, surprising Hitler and forced asked to Ribbentrop angrily, "Now what?" France and Britain to act according to their statement, and on 17 September, Soviet forces invaded eastern Poland.
    Poland will never rise again in the form of the Treaty of Versailles. It is guaranteed not only by Germany, but also ... Russia.
    -Adolf Hitler, public speech in Danzig at the end of September 1939

    The fall of Poland was followed by what is called a journalist a "fake war" or Sitzkrieg ("sitting war"). Gauletier Poland Hitler instructed the two newly appointed northwest, Albert Forster of Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia and Arthur Greiser of Reichsgau Wartheland, to "menjermanisasikan" their area "without question" about how. When the Polish population in the Forster area must sign a statement that they had German blood, Greiser brutal ethnic cleansing campaign against the Polish population in the region. Greiser complained Forster allowing thousands of Poles accepted as "racial" Germans thus threaten "racial purity" of Germany. Hitler refused to get involved, because I wanted to make an example of the theory of "working for the Führer": Hitler issued instructions are not clear and expect all subordinates carry out their own policies.
    Other disputes arise about the methods of Himmler and Greiser, who chose the ethnic cleansing in Poland, against methods Göring and Hans Frank, Governor-General of the General Government territory of Poland, who want to transform Poland into "rice granary" Reich. On February 12, 1940, the dispute was initially done through the implementation of the method Göring-Frank, ending mass expulsions disrupt the flow of the economy. However, on May 15, 1940, Himmler wrote a memo titled "Thoughts on Handling of Foreign Residents in the East" who proposed the expulsion of the entire Jewish population of Europe into Africa and isolate Polish population to be "working class without a leader." Hitler called Himmler's memo "good and proper," and implement policies Himmler-Greiser in Poland, while ignoring and Frank Göring.

    Hitler visiting Paris with architect Albert Speer (left) and sculptor Arno absorber (right), June 23, 1940
    Hitler began to focus its military on Germany's western border, and in April 1940, German forces invaded Denmark and Norway. On 9 April, Hitler announced the birth of "German Reich Kingdom", that his vision of a Germanic empire nations in Europe that is united, where the Dutch, Flemish, and Scandinavian joined the government "pure race" under the leadership of Germany. In May 1940, Germany attacked France, and occupied Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Belgium. The victory forced Mussolini to bring Italy to join Hitler on June 10. France surrendered on 22 June.

    Britain, whose army was forced to leave France by sea from Dunkirk, continued to fight alongside other British colonies in the Battle of the Atlantic. Hitler offered peace to Britain's new leader, Winston Churchill, and after being rejected he ordered bombing raids to Britain. Hitler's invasion plans to the United Kingdom began with a series of air attacks in the Battle of Britain on a number of airbases and radar stations Royal Air Force (RAF) in South East England. Unfortunately, the German Luftwaffe was not able to defeat the Royal Air Force. In late October, Hitler realized that air superiority for the invasion of Britain-Operation Sea Lion-could not be achieved, then it nightly air strikes against British cities, including London, Plymouth, and Coventry.

    On 27 September 1940, three Parties Pact was signed in Berlin by Saburo Kurusu of Imperial Japan, Hitler, and Italian foreign minister Ciano, [248] and then extended to Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria, thereby strengthening the Axis powers. Hitler efforts in integrating the former Soviet Union to block anti-British failed after the meeting between Hitler and Molotov stalemate in Berlin in November, then he asked all parties to prepare for full-scale invasion of the Soviet Union.

    In the spring of 1941, the military activities in North Africa, the Balkans, and the Middle East turned Hitler from his plans for the eastern region. In February, German forces arrived in Libya to strengthen the presence of Italian troops there. In April, Hitler launched the invasion of Yugoslavia, which was soon followed by the invasion of Greece. [250] In May, German forces were sent to support Iraqi rebel forces fighting Britain and invaded Crete. On May 23, Hitler issued Führer Order No. 30.

    Defeat and Death

    Adolf Hitler Dead
    In late 1944, both the Red Army and the Western Allies were invaded Germany. Knowing the strength and tenacity of the Red Army, Hitler decided to use the rest of the army reserve soldiers to fight the United States and Britain which he considered weaker. On 16 December, he launched an offensive in the Ardennes to divide the Western Allies and perhaps convince them join berpeang against the Soviets. After the attack failed, Hitler realized that Germany would lose the war. Last hope to negotiate peace with the United States and Britain aided by the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt dated 12 April 1945; however, in contrast to expectations, the Allies remained undaunted. Acting with his view that Germany's military failures helped eliminate his right to stand as a nation, Hitler ordered the destruction of all German industrial infrastructure before it falls into the hands of the Allies. Armament Minister Albert Speer trusted to execute this scorched earth plan, but he quietly refused.

    On April 20, Hitler's birthday the 56th, Hitler did the last trip of the Führerbunker ("Führer's shelter") to the surface. In the garden Reichskanzlei destroyed, he pinned the Iron Cross to Hitler Youth soldiers. On 21 April, the 1st Belorussian Front led Georgy Zhukov managed to penetrate the defenses of German Army Group Vistula led by General Gotthard Heinrici Plateau at the Battle of Seelow and drove to the outskirts of Berlin. Rejecting the situation, Hitler hanging his hopes on Waffen SS troops led by General Felix Steiner, Armeeabteilung Steiner ("Army Detachment Steiner"). Hitler asked Steiner to attack the northern side of the hill and the German Ninth Army was ordered to attack northward in the form of attacks flops.
    At a military conference on 22 April, Hitler questioned Steiner attacks. He was told that the attack had never been launched and Russian troops entered Berlin. The answer is forcing Hitler to ask everyone except Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Jodl, Hans Krebs, Wilhelm Burgdorf, and then exit ruangan.Hitler massive angry over the betrayal and incompetence of the commanders who ended with a statement for the first time-that the Germans lost the war. Hitler announced that he would remain in Berlin until the war ended, then committed suicide.

    On 23 April, the Red Army surrounded the entire Berlin and Goebbels made a statement asking citizens participate defend Berlin. On that day also, Göring sent a telegram from Berchtesgaden which contains the idea that because Hitler was isolated in Berlin, he, Göring, should take over the German government. Göring set a time limit, the passing of which he considered Hitler to power again. Hitler responded by holding Göring and in his will written 29 April, Hitler declared Göring dismissed from all government positions he held. On 28 April, Hitler learned that Himmler, who left Berlin on 20 April, was trying to discuss surrender to the Western Allies. He ordered Himmler was arrested and Hermann Fegelein (Himmler's SS representative at Hitler's headquarters in Berlin) is executed.

    After midnight 29 April, Hitler married Eva Braun in a small wedding ceremony in a map in the Führerbunker. After a simple breakfast with his new wife, secretary Traudl Junge he brought to another room and dictated the testament and last words. This event was witnessed and documents signed by Hans Krebs, Wilhelm Burgdorf, Joseph Goebbels, and Martin Bormann. That afternoon, Hitler was informed of the murder of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, which may reinforce the desire to resist arrest.
    On 30 April 1945, after a fierce street fighting, when Soviet troops were one or two blocks from Reichskanzlei, Hitler and Braun committed suicide; Braun bite the cyanide capsule and Hitler shot himself. Their bodies were brought up through the emergency exit door to the rear garden Reichskanzlei bunkers that have been destroyed, and then placed in a bomb crater and doused in gasoline. The two bodies then burned bombing ambiance accompanied by the Red Army.

    Berlin surrendered on 2 May. Soviet archival records released after the fall of the Soviet Union-showed that the remains of Hitler, Braun, Joseph and Magda Goebbels, the six Goebbels children, General Hans Krebs and Hitler's dogs repeatedly buried and raised. On 4 April 1970, a Soviet KGB team put on the map for detailed funeral held five wooden boxes at the SMERSH facility in Magdeburg. The remains of the box is burned, destroyed, and spread Biederitz rivers, creeks Elbe.


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    Mahatma Gandhi Biography
    Biographyany - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (born in Porbandar, Gujarat, British India, October 2, 1869 - died in New Delhi, India, January 30, 1948 at the age of 78 years) (Devanagari script: मोहनदास करमचन्द गांधी) also called Mahatma Gandhi (Sanskrit: "the soul grand ") is a spiritual leader and a politician from India.

    During the life of Gandhi, many countries that were colonies of Great Britain. Residents in the colonies crave freedom to govern their own country.

    Gandhi was one of the most important of which are involved in the Indian Independence Movement. He was an activist who did not use violence, which brought the independence movement through peaceful demonstrations.


    Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in the state of Gujarat in India. Several of his family members working on the government side. As a teenager, Gandhi moved to England to study law. After he became a lawyer, he went to South Africa, a British colony, where he experienced racial discrimination called apartheid. He then decided to become a political activist in order to change the laws that are discriminatory. Gandhi has constituted a non-violent movement.

    When he returned to India, he helped in the independence of India from British colonies: this will inspire people in other colonies that gained independence struggle and break the British Raj to then form the Commonwealth.
    Mahatma Gandhi

    Mahatma Gandhi

    People from different religions and tribes that live in India when it believes that India needs to be broken down into several states that different groups can have their own state. Many who wanted the Hindus and Muslims have their own state. Gandhi was a Hindu, but he liked the ideas of other religions including Islam and Christianity. He believes that people of all religions should have equal rights and live together peacefully in one country.

    In 1947, India became independent and split into two countries, India and Pakistan. It is not approved Gandhi.

    The principle of Gandhi, satyagraha, often translated as "the right way" or "path to truth", has inspired many generations of democracy activists and anti-racism as Martin Luther King, Jr.. and Nelson Mandela. Gandhi often said that teaching values ​​is very simple, based on traditional Hindu beliefs: truth (satya), and non-violence (ahimsa).

    On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was assassinated a Hindu man angry with Gandhi because he tended to side with the Muslims.

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in 1869 and lived for most of the half century Twenty. Born in Gujarat, India, and lived several years in England, where he studied law, and in South Africa, where he had a career as a lawyer. He returned to India from South Africa to join the liberation movement against the British rulers.

    Gandhi is someone who from an early age, so live life and have always questioned about its values. He lived out and live life. On each occasion, he was always looking for answers to many questions in a variety of ways. He gave the title of his autobiography My experience of the Truth. In fact, he spent his whole life searching for the truth and continue to try to find the answers and apply in their daily lives.
    Mahatma Gandhi

    Mahatma Gandhi

    He started his career as a lawyer in South Africa, where he finds racial issues for the first time. One time, during a trip on the train to Pretoria, she was asked to leave the class passenger seat of the host even though he had paid the ticket. White train conductor who was a cynical saying that in addition to white people are not allowed to occupy the premier class seats. But Gandhi refused and insisted on occupying seats he had paid for it. Because of this refusal, the conductor down at a small station.

    Perhaps, that's one incident which then makes it always fought for justice. He always pointed out that we can fight injustice without violence. While in South Africa was the Gandhi began to develop his ideas called Ahimsa or non-violence, and teach those Indians who live there how to apply Ahimsa to overcome the injustices they experience. The method is also known as passive resistance or anti-cooperate with those who commit injustice. Gandhi believes that, by rejecting-working, the person will eventually realize his mistake and then stop the unfair attitude.
    Mahatma Gandhi

    Gandhi succeeded in doing efforts in South Africa. However, it was also time for him to get back to India emerging by the Liberation Movements of the British Rulers. He felt was his duty to join and contribute to the ideals of independent India. Gandhi asked his followers in India to implement the teachings of Ahimsa and shows how his teachings can be part of India's freedom struggle.

    While the movement continues to progress, Gandhi continued his search for the truth and to design appropriate strategies to face the enemy. He called Satyagraha - Truth Enforcement. Gandhi believed that seeing the suffering of someone who uphold the truth will take effect and will touch the conscience of the perpetrator abuses (the enemy). Satyagraha is then run widely and effectively in the struggle for independence. This struggle finally reached a point where the UK could not survive against the thousands of people who menetangnya mass, acts peacefully demanding freedom. However, Gandhi assured to every effort and struggle waged by those who tutored him in the running Satyagraha, and for teaching and training Satyagraha struggle is bringing results.
    Mahatma Gandhi

    Mahatma Gandhi

    Gandhi is still opportunity to watch India's independence from British rule, but he was very sad to see the conflict between Muslims and Hindus, as well as to the thousands of people who are victims of Partition (Partition) India-Pakistan. His belief the Brotherhood of Mankind (The Brotherhood of Man) remains unwavering, long since she had rejected the plan of Partition (Partition), although it was still happening. India is now separated into India with a secular Hindu majority, and Pakistan, with a majority Muslim society, which is also divided into East Pakistan and West Pakistan. At the end of his life mourning the teachings of Gandhi's Satyagraha he was unable to prevent the hatred between Hindus and Muslims which resulted in the splitting of India. In 1948, Gandhi was killed in a house of worship by a Hindu fanatic who does not agree with the understanding of The Brotherhood of Man lead.


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    Abraham Lincoln Biography
    Biographyany - Abraham Lincoln (born in Hardin County, Kentucky, February 12, 1809 - died in Washington, DC, 15 April 1865 at the age of 56 years) is the President of the United States of the 16th, serving from March 4, 1861 to lead the nation out occurs pembunuhannya.Dia of the American Civil War, to maintain national unity and abolish slavery. However, when the war was nearing its end, he became the first U.S. president who was murdered. Prior to his inauguration in 1860 as the first Republican president, Lincoln worked as a lawyer, member of the Illinois legislature, members of the U.S. House of Representatives, and twice failed in the Senate election.

    As an opponent of slavery, Lincoln won the U.S. presidential nomination of the Republican Party in 1860 and was subsequently elected president. His reign was marked by the defeat of the Confederate State of America, a pro-slavery, the American Civil War. He issued a decree ordering the abolition of slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, and added a thirteenth article in the U.S. Constitution in 1865.

    Lincoln closely watching the war, including the selection of warlords such as Ulysses S. Grant. Historians conclude that Lincoln organized factions within the Republican Party well, bringing leaders of each faction into his cabinet and forcing them to work together. Lincoln managed to ease tensions with the UK following the scandal of Trent in 1861. Under his leadership the North occupied the South from the beginning of the war. Lincoln then was re-elected U.S. president in 1864.
    Abraham Lincoln Biography

    The opponents of the war criticized Lincoln for his refusing to compromise on slavery. Instead, the conservatives of the Radical Republican faction, the faction of pro abolition of slavery Republican Party, criticized Lincoln for his slow the removal perbudakan.Walaupun hampered by various obstacles, Lincoln managed to unify public opinion through rhetoric and speeches; speech is the best speech late Gettysburg.Mendekati war, Lincoln moderate to reconstruction, the nation longed for reunification through a policy of reconciliation software. His successor, Andrew Johnson, also longed for reunification whites, but failed to defend the rights of the newly freed slaves. Lincoln is rated as the greatest president in the history of America.


    Abraham Lincoln was born in a small shack in Kentucky, February 12, 1809. His parents were poor and uneducated. Lincoln himself was only taste education for about a year, but in the short time he was able to read, write and count. when he grew up he tried hard to increase their knowledge. He uses all the best books to read, he managed to be a lawyer at the age of 28 years.

    Prior to his presidency

    As a young man, Abraham Lincoln worked in various areas of law. She has worked as splitting wood fence, a soldier, a sailor on the river boats, clerks, taking care of the tavern, the postmaster, and eventually became a lawyer.

    He vigorously defended the rights of African slaves. During his tenure, there are more slaves in the South, and he wanted the slaves freed. People do not agree with the plan, forming the Union of South and an army to fight against the forces of North Lincoln on the North-South war. His army won the war.
    Abraham Lincoln

    His first step into the field of politics occurred in 1832 when he was 23 years old. When he tried to be elected as member of the Regional Representatives Council of the state of Illinois, in the west-central United States. But he lost the election, two years later, he tried again and won. After that, he was elected three times in a row after that.


    In 1847, when he was 38, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Abraham Lincoln became famous throughout the country as a political person, due to his debate with Stephen A. Senator Douglas in the U.S. election campaign in 1858. Although he lost the senatorial election, the Republicans choose a presidential candidate in the 1860 election.

    At that time the United States nearly split over the issue of slavery.
    6 November 1860, Lincoln became President of the United States of the 16th and a month later, the American Civil War between the states in the North and the states in the South broke. Although he hated war, President Lincoln accepted it as the only way to save the unity of the country.
    In the middle of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued a Proclamation of Liberation that changed lives of many people in the United States. The proclamation declared that all slaves in states purchase parts or areas of the states against the United States will be free starting January 1, 1863. Proclamation that sparked the spirit of all those who fight for freedom, and a driving force towards the abolition of slavery throughout the United States.
    Abraham Lincoln

    President Abraham Lincoln re-elected in 1864, in the midst of the military victories of the United States towards the end of the Civil War. In the peace plan of President Abraham Lincoln is flexible and generous. He called on the people of southern rebel to lay down arms and return to the United States. The spirit becomes clear guidelines similar to the spirit of the second inaugural address. This sentence is engraved on one wall memorial Lincoln (Lincoln Memorial) in Washington DC, which reads;
    "With courage and truth according to the word of God, let us strive to finish our task right now is to heal the wounds of the nation. '
    President Lincoln was shot in Ford's Theatre, Washington, USA, on 14 April 1865 and died the following day, on 15 April 1865 at the age of 56 years. The killer, John Wilkes Booth was a showman who has a mental disorder, it is also one of the supporters of the opposing Confederate Confederate army handed to the government after the end of the civil war.
    President Lincoln was buried in Springfield, United States and is remembered as a fighter for democracy and the world because of his services.

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    Jackie Chan YoungBiographyany - Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on 7 April 1954. Parents named Charles and Lee-Lee Chan is the Chinese civil war refugees. In his childhood, Chan received support from his parents. Jackie Chan, who has little name Chan Kong Sang, which means born in Hong Kong, spent his childhood in the elite, District of Victoria Park. When small, Chan earned the nickname Pao Pao which means bullets. This naming is not without reason, because Chan as little known as a child who has a lively character.

    Agility that led him to the world of martial arts and a krobatik. This martial kemampaun also made his name on the big screen.

    Proximity to the world of Chan's role can not be separated from the part of both parents. They saw no artistic talent Chan stored in the body. So when young parents enrolled Chan Chan to China Drama Academy, Peking Opera School. Having a martial skill m artial a rts and acrobatic, ultimately bringing Chan to be included in the Seven Little Fortunes, a performance group consisting of the best students in the school.

    Chan has jumped into the world of film since I was eight years old, when she appeared in a movie called Big Little Wong Tin Bar. In the movie, Jackie Chan playing with Sammo Hung Kam-Bo and Li Hua Li. Chan's next etahun back playing with Li Hua Li in the film musi k al The Love Eterne.

    Growing up, precisely at the age of 17, his skills in martial arts led him to become a stuntman in films starring Bruce Lee. Scene after scene dangerous in the film played by Chan First of Flury and Enter The Dragon.

    Jackie Chan And Bruce Lee

    The opportunity to not just substitute finally arrived. He was given the opportunity to star in the film Little Tiger of Canton a limited release in Hong Kong in 1973. The next year, Chan played in a movie called Rumble in Hongkon g-movie-in 1996 and released in the American remake titled Rumble in the Bronx.

    But over the next two years, Chan was not involved in the activities of the film. Finally he decided to stay with his parents who had moved to Canberra, Australia, where his parents worked as cooks. There Chan continued his studies at Dickson College.

    While in college, he nyambi as construction workers. And you know where it comes from the name Jackie? Apparently the name Jackie Chan addressed by when he worked as a construction worker. He got the nickname L ittle Jack, who later became Jackie disingkatnya.
    Jackie Chan

    Jackie Chan

    Eberadaan K Chan in Canberra Australia did not last long, because in the same year he received a telegram from Willie Chan, a Hong Kong film producer, who was very impressed with the workings of Chan as s tuntman. Willie Chan offered him a film directed by Lo Wei entitled New First Fury. And this is a character as actor bermulanya try attached to Chan. N Amen unfortunately it failed in the market.

    New in 1978, Chan comes to genre films fuk k ung omedi entitled Snake in the Eagle Shadow. The success of the film turned out to be the beginning of a trend fuk omedi ung-k films. After Chan's career began to climb after he played in the movie mainstream success in the market, the Drunken Master, and then continued with similar movie titled Half a Lot of Kung Fu and Spiritual Kung Fu.

    Togetherness with Lo Wei may be said to bring good luck and as the person most instrumental in the career of Jackie Chan. Because not only make an actor Chan, but Lo Wei Chan also see the talent that could to be a director. To that end, Chan entrusted an assistant director in the film Fearless Hyena directed by Kenneth Tsang.

    Persahabaan with Willie Chan is also a way for hackers to explore Hollywood. In 1980 he was given the role in the film Battle Creek Brawl. In 1985, he played in the movie The Cannonball Run is capable mengumpullkan global revenues of 100 million dollars. Considered to have considerable expertise in the martial arts, brought it back to her next film project, called The Protector.

    In the same year, Chan made the decision to return to Hong Kong. Decisions will never regret. Because just when the former British colony is the name Jackie Chan seantreo flying in Asia.

    Films like Police Story (1985) is a film that is fairly popular, even the film's got a gift of Best Film at the event in Hong Kong Film Awards 1986. S etahun later, Chan played in the movie the b ox o ffice Hong Kong of all time, the film Armour of God is referred to as Indiana Jones versia Asia. This film won the domestic income of 35 million U.S. dollars.

    After some success in Hong Kong, Chan decided to re-tread a career in Hollywood. Bids to play in the movie Demolition Man with Sylvester Stallone refused. He did not want to be a villain in every movie.

    Chan began reaping success after playing in the movie Rumble in the Bronx in 1995. Furthermore, Chan paired with actor Chris Tucker in the movie hilarious action comedy Rush Hour (1998). In the same year, Chan released his final film
    production at Golden Harvest, Who Am I? S elepas of Golden Harvest. Chan produced a romantic comedy, Gorgeous. And subsequently played in Shanghai Noon (2000), Rush Hour 2 (2001), Shanghai Knights (2003) and The Medallion (2003).
    Jackie Chan

    Jackie Chan

    However, with often play in the same characters or limited-that's all, Chan admitted frustration. For that in 2003, Chan set up his production house named Jackie Chan Emperor Movies Limited (JCE). In the film he co-production production house, Chan many featuring dramatic scenes, say New Police Story (2004), The Myth (2005) and Rob-B-Hood (2006).

    Throughout his career in action movies, Chan recorded three times suffered a broken nose, a broken one ankle happened to be g, most of the fingers, both cheekbones and his skull, and has a permanent hole in his head, because the crash in action in front of the camera .

    From various success in the acting world, there is one biggest regret in his life, that he did not receive adequate formal education. For that Chan set up educational institutions in different parts of the world.

    Wonder if Jackie Chan is said to be the pride of a vain actor. However, it has the effect of "bad" for other actors, that likes to influence them to do the action scenes without the help of a stuntman.

    BIOGRAPHY Of Jackie Chan:

    Personal Data:
    Jackie Chan

    Real name: Kong-sang Chan
    Date of Birth: April 7, 1954
    Born in: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong
    Zodiac: Aries
    Famous since starred in the film "Drunken Master" (1978)
    Occupation: Actor, Director, Producer, Martial Arts Choreographer, Singer
    Height : 174
    citizenship: China
    father: Charles Chan
    Work Dad: Employees French Consulate in Hong Kong, As Head Chef at the Embassy in Canberra, Australia
    Mother : Mrs.Lee-Lee Chan
    Mother's Work: Employees French Consulate in Hong Kong
    Husband / Wife:Joan Lin (actress, since December 1, 1982)
    Children: Jaycee Chan (singer / actor, l. 3-Dec-82), Etta Ng Chok Lam (b. 19-Nov-99)
    popular Since: Starred in "Drunken Master" (1978)

    Jackie Chan

    Jackie Chan

    * Young Tiger (1973)
    * Eagle Shadow Fist (1973)
    * The Killer meteors (1976)
    * Shaolin Wooden Men (1976)
    * New Fist of Fury (1976)
    * Countdown in Kung Fu (1976)
    * To Kill With Intrigue (1977)
    * Jackie Chan's 36 Crazy Fists (1977)
    * The Magnicient Bodyguards (1978)
    * Spiritual Kung Fu (1978)
    * Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978)
    * Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin (1978)
    * Half a Lot of Kung Fu (1978)
    * Drunken Master (1978)
    * The Fearless Hyena (1979)
    * Dragon Fist (1979)
    * The Young Master (1980)
    * The Big Brawl (1980)
    * The Cannonball Run (1981)
    * Dragon Lord (1982)
    * The Fearless Hyena II (1982)
    * Winners and Sinners (1983)
    * Wheels on Meals (1984)
    * Jackie Chan's Crime Force (1984)
    * Fantasy Mission Force (1984)
    * Cannonball Run II (1984)
    * The Protector (1985)
    * Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Stars (1985)
    * Police Story (1985)
    * Ninja Thunderbolt (1985)
    * Heart of the Dragon (1985)
    * Naughty Boys (1986)
    * Project A II (1987)
    * My Lucjy strass (1987)
    * Police Story II (1988)
    * Dragons Forever (1988)
    * Miracles (1989)
    * The Prisoner (1990)
    * The Kid From Tibet (1991)
    * Island on Fire (1991)
    * The Best Of Martial Arts Films (1992)
    * Supercop (1992)
    * City Hunter (1992)
    * The Armour of God (1994)
    * Project A (1994)
    * Once A Cop (1994)
    * Crime Story (1994)
    * Supercop (1996)
    * Rumble In The Bronx (1996)
    * Operation Condor (1997)
    * Jackie Chan's Second Strike (1997)
    * First Strike (1997)
    * Gods (1998)
    * The Operation Condor 2: The Armour of the Gods (1998)
    * Who Am I? (1998)
    * Rush Hour (1998)
    * Mr. Nice Guy (1998)
    * Hongkong Face Off (1998)
    * Burn, Hollywood, Burn (1998)
    * Twin Dragons (1999)
    * Master of Disaster (1999)
    * Jackie Chan's Project A (1999)
    * Heikek Chi Wong (1999)
    * Bolei Cheun (1999)
    * The Legend of Drunken Master (2000)
    * Shanghai Noon (2000)
    * The Accidential Spy (2001)
    * Rush Hour 2 (2001)
    * The Tuxedo (2002)
    * The Medallion (2003)
    * The Cin gei bin (2003)
    * Snake in Eagle's Shadow 2 (2003)
    * Shanghai Knights (2003)
    * San Gingchat Gum (2004)
    * Around the World in 80 Days (2004)
    * Sen-Hua (2005)
    * Legends of Martial Arts (2005)
    * Come Drink With me (2005)
    * Thunderbolt (2006)
    * Bo Bui Ga Wak (2006)
    * Rush Hour 3 (2007)
    * The Forbidden Kingdom (2008)

    With his hard work is so high, he managed to become one of the stars A waste that has stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I a have starred in over 100 titles fil m and did most of the action matches their own. In fact, due to his love of dangerous action, Jackie Chan makes it difficult to get insurance.
    Jackie Chan


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    Bruce Lee BiographyBiographyany - Bruce Jun Fan Lee (Chinese language: 李振藩; pinyin: Lǐ Zhènfán; born 27 November 1940 - died July 20, 1973 at the age of 32 years) is a Chinese martial arts actor (HK), living in the United States of America. Bruce Lee was born in America, but childhood through adolescence living in HK (Hong Kong). Since childhood, Bruce has a lot of acting in HK cinema. Since his teenage years moved to America and married there.

    Bruce Lee is one of the martial arts master. 5 and a half feet in height with a weight of 135 pounds. Creating a martial arts JKD (Jeet Kune Do) you'll get from research based on Newtonian physics and engineering sciences and the principles of sport fencing Europe and Western-style boxing, martial arts principles are to withstand the attack of a fist or foot. "Ambush gave me a chance to hold you," said Bruce Lee. His movements were so fast, so in his films of the editors had to slow the film so that the audience can see all movements Bruce Lee.
    Year 1940 is the year of the dragon, the year in a hospital in San Francisco was born Lee Hsiao Lung. Doctors who deal with the birth of the baby, gave her English name, Bruce. Thus the legend was born.

    When 6-year-old little Bruce was acting for the first time in a movie called "A Beginning Of A Boy". This is not surprising because his father Lee Hoi Chun is a film actor.

    Bruce is a fragile child, including child he even fussy eaters. So when he got into a fight he lost street style. At that time he was 14 years old. After a discussion with his mother, he decided to learn martial arts.

    Type of martial arts that he learned was Wing Chun, he studied with Sifu Yip Man. He also studied with master kung fu Siu Hon Sung. Usually it takes three weeks to control 30 moves Siu Hon Sung, Bruce Lee only needs three nights only. Besides, Bruce Lee also had fencing skills from his father. There is one unique thing, Bruce Lee was not only adept at martial arts. Turns out he was clever dancing cha-cha and even in 1958 he won the trophy Hong Kong Cha-Cha Championship.

    Bruce Lee

    Bruce Lee

    Over time, Bruce lee kungfunya eager to test skills in a real fight. So he was involved in a street fight. Police warn the mother if Bruce did not stop his behavior then he will be arrested. Then his father made the decision to send Bruce to the United States in order to become a more responsible jawab.Dengan armed U.S. $ 100 he went to his native San Francisco by ship. On the way Bruce still managed to make money by giving dance lessons cha-cha.

    In San Francisco, Bruce entrusted to his father's friend, Ruby Chow, the owner of a restaurant. Bruce had come to work at the restaurant. After finishing high school, Bruce still keen to build his physique. Not enough for him just to be a martial arts expert, he should be the best.

    Bruce was then decided to go to college in Seattle and majored in philosophy. At the university he met a fellow from Asia called Taki Kimura Kimura had experienced a series of racist attacks. Based on compassion, Bruce motivate Kimura to raise his self-esteem by training her martial arts. This is the forerunner to the kung fu martial arts school and not long after the school was established. The school is open to the public or for anyone interested. In stark contrast to Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, kung fu was a secret science should not be taught to people at random. Only gentlemen are allowed to learn kung fu.

    In 1961 he met a girl named Linda Emery. They fell in love, got married, and followed Brandon Shannon was born two years later.

    In 1964, in a karate tournament, Bruce demonstrates the stance of the legendary one inch punch. A television producer was so impressed with the appearance of Bruce full of intensity and concentration. Then he approached the Bruce Lee. After going through a screening test, Bruce finally gets a role as Kato in the Green Hornet movie. Kato was a supporting role in the film, but its popularity defeating its main role, especially in Hong Kong

    Van Williams, star of the Green Hornet, tells of the many stunt-man wounded by Bruce movement, consequently difficult to find stunt-man who is willing to work with Bruce. Bruce also has a very fast movements to be captured by the camera so Bruce had to slow down the movement.

    After the project "Green Hornet" after Bruce opened the school's new kung fu again named "Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute". This is where Bruce Lee learned to use weapons nunchaku. The celebrities had to learn kung fu in this place like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, James Coburn and Steve McQueen. Bruce's popularity also increased and this increase the value of a Bruce Lee, for a one-hour training session for a set price 300US $.

    In the new school that also is Bruce created Jeet Kune Do techniques, engineering cutting attack. Bruce found cutting attacks better and faster than the last resist attack.

    In 1967, Bruce starred in "A Man Called Ironside", as a martial arts master, Bruce often perform stunts without stunt-man. Her film career continues, until finally he could fulfill what is aspired to be paid more
    perfilm expensive than Steve McQueen.

    With particular consideration Bruce decided to continue his film career in Hong Kong. Some films starring, now Bruce has been regarded as a national hero. Not content with all that, he opened his own company because he wanted to write a screenplay, directed, starred in the next movie. Again Bruce succeeded, some film production company is selling well.

    After numerous films made and successes achieved, on May 10, 1973 Bruce suddenly unconscious for half an hour when completing dubbing for "Enter The Dragon". The doctor prescribed him Manatol, drug used to treat the symptoms of brain swelling (brain development).

    On July 20, 1973, Bruce plans to meet with Raymond Chow and Betty Ting Pei, who will be one of the stars in the movie "Game of Death". At home Betty, Bruce complained of headache and then he drank Aguagesic, migraine headaches that usually consumed Betty. Then Bruce lay down, apparently asleep when the attack brain swelling came back. Finally Bruce died in the emergency room Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

    The Mystery Behind Death of Bruce Lee
    Bruce Lee

    Bruce Lee
    Bruce Lee's death was a shock, even many who do not believe. Various speculations about his death emerged, such as:

    1. He was killed by gangsters for refusing to pay protection money, a common practice Hong Kong's role in the film industry at the time.
    2. He was killed by an angry warrior Shaolin Bruce has deployed kung fu to everyone in the world
    3. Bruce was condemned for having bought a haunted house
    4. Bruce died while having an affair with Betty Ting Pei
    5. Most Chinese people believe Bruce was killed because it was too hard to practice kung fu

    Regardless of these speculations, the medical facts mentioned Bruce died after going into a coma due to cerebral edema, brain swelling due to excess fluid.

    Here are About that you may not know about Bruce Lee.

    1. Bruce Lee has a congenital defect: long legs and big testes next door.
    2. Bruce Lee actually wear glasses that are thick enough, and he uses a soft lens. Apparently in America already existing soft lens of antiquity.
    3. Bruce Lee is not 100% Chinese, his mother Grace Lee is a crossbreed chinese and german, so to say Bruce Lee has a 1/4 German blood.
    4. Bruce Lee first appeared in film at the age of 3 months. He brought his father, a well-known practice that Chinese Opera to appear in his first movie.
    5. In an auction, a handwritten letter Bruce Lee to motivate himself with the title "My Definite Chief Aim" sold for U.S. $ 29.500.
    6. Bruce Lee punch speed is 1/500 seconds from a distance of about 1 meter to the target.
    7. Bruce Lee was a very powerful for its size, he can do pull ups 50 times with one hand. Bolo Yeung (aka Chong Li) who have never won that much big arm wrestling opponent Bruce Lee.
    8. Bruce Lee could perform push ups with one hand only with two fingers (index and thumb) and sometimes with two hands, but only using the thumb only.
    Bruce Lee

    Bruce Lee

    Bruce Lee

    9. Bruce Lee popularized the technique of 'one inch punch' of boxing from a distance of 1 inch, and in a karate tournament, he was practicing on a judo champion from Japan, which weighs about 100 kg. Here we see pejudo was punched from a distance of 1 inch to lift both feet off the floor.
    10. At the age of 13 years Bruce Lee studied at the Yip Man Wing Chun to study because at the time he joined a gang and often fights with other gangs. He thinks that his gang teman2'm not with him, what if he was attacked rame2.
    11. There are three student Bruce Lee who never won a World Karate Champion: Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis and Mike Stone.
    12. In the USA Bruce Lee taught kung fu to all races with no pilih2, and therefore he was challenged by another kung fu school with accusations of leaking secrets to the Chinese Martial Art of other races. Bruce Lee accepted the challenge and beat representatives from the colleges they will be in 3 minutes. Bruce Lee was disappointed, he said the fight must take place within a few seconds. From here he began to train harder, and found the concept of "Jeet Kune Do".
    13. Movie Dragon The Bruce Lee Story starring Jason Scott Lee who is a movie that is not very accurate in depicting the true story of Bruce Lee. In the film Bruce Lee kicked his back, became paralyzed and had to sit in a wheelchair. In a real incident, Bruce Lee's injury because he was practicing with overload and cause spinal cord injury, and in fact he never sat in a wheelchair.
    14. In a break from his spinal cord injury Bruce Lee for 6 months, created the book "Tao of Jeet Kune Do" which became a best seller.
    15. Some time before the death of Bruce Lee, pa qua (a kind of talisman which is believed to ward off evil spirits) on the Bruce Lee fall breeze.


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    Megawati Soekarno Putri
    Biographyany. | President - Diah Permata Megawati Complete named Setiawati Soekarnoputri or familiar in name Megawati was born in Yogyakarta, January 23, 1947. Prior to his appointment as president, he was the Vice President that the government of Abdurrahman Wahid 8 below. Megawati is the eldest daughter of the first President who is also the proclaimer, Sukarno and Fatmawati. Megawati, was originally married to pilot Air Force Flight Lieutenant, Surendro and had two sons named Mohammad and Mohammad Rizki Pratama Prananda.

    SukarnoAt a military assignment, in 1970, in the eastern part of Indonesia Surendro with military aircraft pilots missing in action. Incomparable suffering, while still a small child and a baby. However, the pain was not prolonged, three years later married a man named Mega Taufik Kiemas, origin Komiring Ulu Ogan, Palembang. Happy family life increases, the couple have a daughter Puan Maharani. Megawati's early life was spent at the State Palace. Since childhood, Megawati was agile and loves playing football with his brother Thunder. As a young girl, Megawati has hobbies dancing and often indicated in the presence of state guests who visit the Palace.

    Women whose full name is Dyah Permata Megawati start education, from elementary to high school in college Cikini, Jakarta. Meanwhile, he had studied at two University, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung (1965-1967) and the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia (1970-1972). Although born of politicians topnotch, Miss Mega - close calls its supporters - is not regarded expert in the world of politics. In fact, Megawati was underestimated by friends and political opponents. He even considered a newcomer to the political arena, which is new in 1987. At that time, the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI), placing it as one of the candidates from the electoral district of Central Java, to boost the sound.

    The entry Megawati to politics, means he has reneged on the deal his family to not go into politics. Trauma ditabraknya political family. Megawati appeared to be excellent in the campaign PDI, although classified as not much to say. Apparently it worked. Vote for the PDI ride. And he was elected a member of Parliament / Assembly. In the same year was elected chairman Megawati PDI Central Jakarta.

    However, the presence in the building Mega DPR / MPR did not seem to feel. Apparently, Megawati know that he is still under pressure. In addition to its quiet indeed, belaiu chose not to stand out given the political situation at that time. So belaiu choose more to lobby outside the political representatives. Political lobby, a silent operation, either directly or indirectly, has led to the publication of Mega star in the world of politics. In 1993 he was elected Chairman of the PDI. It is very surprising the government at the time.

    Mega rising process is an interesting story as well. At that time, Congress PDI in Medan ended without producing any decisions. Government support Hardjono Budi replacing Soerjadi. Then, followed by the Extraordinary Congress held in Surabaya. At this congress, the name Mega emerging and soundly beat Hardjono Budi, the candidate backed by the government. Mega elected as Chairman of the PDI. Then Mega status as Chairman of PDI further corroborated by the National Conference of PDI in Jakarta.
    Megawati Soekarno Putri
    Megawati Soekarno Putri

    Megawati Soekarno Putri

    Megawati Soekarno Putri

    But the government refused and considered invalid. Therefore, in the next trip, the government supports the strength to pry Mega as Chairman of PDI. Fatimah Ahmad cs,
    the support of the government, the Congress held a PDI in Medan in 1996, to raise the Soerjadi. But it is not easily conquered Mega. Because Mega clearly states do not recognize Congress Medan. Mega firmly declared himself the legitimate Chairman of PDI. PDI headquarters on Jalan Diponegoro, as a symbol of the presence of DPP legitimate, controlled by the Mega. Mega Supporters do not want to recede a single step. They are still trying to maintain that office.

    Soerjadi backed government was given the threat to forcibly seize that PDI headquarters. That threat became a reality. Am on July 27, 1996 the group Soerjadi really seize the PDI headquarters of Megawati supporters. However, it did not dampen Mega steps. In fact, he further stabilizing step fly resistance. Political pressure against Mega's very bare, menundang empathy and sympathy from the public.

    Mega continues to struggle. PDI becomes two. Namely, the leader Megawati and PDI PDI Soerjadi leadership. PDI favored and admitted Mega. However, the government recognizes as Chairman of PDI Soerjadi legitimate. As a result, PDI Mega leadership can not go to the polls in 1997. After the regime fell, renamed Mega PDI PDI. Political parties and mouthed fat bull bearing white won the 1999 elections by winning more than thirty percent of the vote. The win puts Mega PDIP the most appropriate position to be president than the other party members. But it turns out in the MPR 1999, Mega lose.
    KH Abdurrahman Wahid

    However, the second position is apparently a later stage in time to solidify Mega position as number one in the country. For less than two years, exactly on July 23, 2001 members of the Assembly unanimously adopted placing sit as President Megawati 5th replaces KH Abdurrahman Wahid. Megawati became president until October 20, 2003. Having finished his term, Megawati again running for president in a direct presidential election in 2004. However, he failed to return as president after losing Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who eventually became President to-6.

    Biodata Megawati:
    Megawati Soekarno Putri
    Dr (HC) Hj. Megawati
    Full Name:
    Dyah Permata Megawati Soekarnoputri Setyawati
    Yogyakarta, January 23, 1947
    Taufik Kiemas
    3 people, (2 sons, 1 daughter)

    Top-5 :: President of Indonesia (2001-2004)
    :: Vice President (1999 - 2001)
    :: A DPR / MPR RI (1999)
    :: A DPR / MPR RI (1987-1992)
    DPP Chairperson :: PDI April 2000-2005 and 2005-2009

    Home Address:
    Uma :: Road 27-A, Central Jakarta
    :: Jl. Kebagusan IV No 45 RT 010 RW 04, Ex. Kebagusan district. Sunday Market, South Jakarta

    1. Members of the National Students Movement Indonsia (London), (1965)
    2. Members of the House of Representatives, (1993)
    3. PDI member of Commission IV
    4. PDI Chairman, Central Jakarta, FPDI Member House of Representatives, (1987-1997)
    5. Chairman of the PDI version
    6. Kemang National Conference (1993-present) led PDI PDI was renamed in 1999-now
    7. Vice President, (October 1999-23 July 2001)
    8. 5th President, (July 23, 2001-2004)
    Educational trips
    1. SD College Cikini Jakarta, (1954-1959)
    2. Junior College Cikini Jakarta, (1960-1962)
    3. Cikini Jakarta Senior High School Education, (1963-1965)
    4. Faculty of Agriculture UNPAD London (1965-1967), (unfinished)
    5. Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia (1970-1972), (did not finish).

